Quality control

Quality control

  • Monthly updating of the database by externals
  • Quality inspections by error checks and test models
  • Upload and editing options
  • In-house approval process with status setting
Archive Database

Archive Database

  • Import or entry of receipts and ivoices
  • Account assignment and split posting
  • Filing on technical measures and budget control
  • Passing the posting data to externals
Report Database (VNRDB)

Report Database (VNRDB)

  • Storing of calculated results from the RE-VC
  • Simple data storage by proffesional perspectives
  • Quality-assured release workflow
  • Integrated database for all informations
  • Automatic data updating
  • Separate access control, MS-Office Integration
  • Optional data provisions for third-party systems
Real Estate-Data Integration (RE-DI)

Data warehouse RE-DI

  • Saving calculated RE-VC data
  • Data and historization for all object types
  • Integration of individual, customer-specific
  • Basis for a comprehensive reporting service
Sensivity analysis / Stress testing

Sensivity analysis / Stress testing

  • Stress of total assets
  • Change in single variables and reuslt analysis
  • Variation of macro- and microeconomic parameters
  • Detailed scenario comparisons
  • Deep result analysis by cause and effect relation
  • Automated overall process
Task Management

Task management

  • Allocation of tasks to assets
  • Context-related function call
  • Automatic task creation according to defined rules
  • Status tracking of task, deadline monitoring
  • Employee information via mail & personalized calender
  • Presence assistant and representation rules


  • Standardization of consistent processes, process transparency
  • Reliable management of data streams
  • Replacement of paper documents
  • Parallel access options
  • Immediate availability of informations
  • Faster process execution
  • High work quality

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